Empower Your Journey
This summit is an opportunity for you to take a bit of time to slow down. Slow down and breathe as you find equilibrium again and realize just how amazing you really are. Slow down and remember why you got into business in the first place and add fuel the entrepreneurial fires that can sometimes lose their heat when we are working the day to day. Slow down and take a moment to consider how far you have come and how far you are going. And slow down and relax into a safe space created for you to vision and dream and plan.
Thank you for choosing to spend your most precious commodity of time with us. Thank you for being the strong, resilient women you are and thank you for leading the way into a future full of promise and growth.
I hope that you find what you are looking for this summit and maybe something you weren’t 😉 I often talk about how my bias is toward working with women. This is because of the amazing things you all do day in and day out and I am so very proud to be a part of your journeys. When you succeed, we all succeed. Here’s to an impactful weekend full of connection, learning and celebration. Enjoy!
-Holly Sorgen, Executive Director
Community Futures Grande Prairie & Region

Invest in your future